Newborn Photography Austin Tx | Beautiful Ava

My newborn photography frequently takes me to very special homes, and my session with this sweet little peanut was no exception. Her older brother greeted me at the door and it opened to a beautiful home with an even more beautiful family within. Mom was radiant and little Ava was already fast asleep in Dad’s arms (a newborn photographer’s dream). I set up while getting to know a little bit more about them. I fell immediately in love with Ava and the entire family. Born 12 weeks early and after spending 56 days in the nicu, her loving family was able to bring her home. I was honored to take her Ava’s first photographs!

It was a wonderful afternoon and we finished it off in the warm sun amongst what seems to be the last show of bluebonnets in the area.. Luck us!


xo   Jessica Mitchell Photography | Austin, Tx



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